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Key LEADERSHIP Insight for Leading True SYNERGISM in Your Team in Unpredictable Scenarios!

Writer: Randy SwaimRandy Swaim

Unpredictable VUCA (Variable, Uncertain, Changing & Adaptive) Scenario in my last blog to a much deeper and applied aspect of Leadership.  The reader may remember that I provided a Dysfunctional Vision that is so often in today’s environment, and it does not necessarily provide True Success. Remember my quote was:

A Dysfunctional Vision often seen today involves how people envision true Synergy.  So many in today’s environments look at the concept of real synergy as if we are all doing the same thing, thinking the same and “don’t have to really process the knowledge and awareness”.  This is a very dysfunctional approach to this.

The Development of Your Rising Stars & Something We Should Keep Aware
Key LEADERSHIP Insight for Leading True SYNERGISM in Your Team in Unpredictable Scenarios!

When you are leading your team anytime but particularly in a current changing and an unpredictable environment, the leader must understand something very key.  Our team is composed of team members and none of them are exactly the same.  Keep in mind each one has development journeys and growth patterns that are not the same.  In the 2nd Insight of that previous blog, I mentioned that:

“Sometimes amazing success and insights can sometimes be brought by what one might believe is the “lowest or least grown” individual on their team”.

The key truth is that as you move forward in your team’s vision and strategic plan, you may have one team member that has a vision of certain factors that were not planned for and are coming on stage at this time and other members may not see.  When this occurs, it can enhance their awareness of something to be careful of or perhaps open an expected door to success, or it can be applied in a dysfunctional way.  What does the leader need to be aware of?

Key Leadership & Neuroscience Truth and Application:

Realize that the leader must be aware of this.  When a member is aware of an unexpected factor, they can use this in many ways.  Realize that this awareness of the factor is a good thing but how will they apply it?

The leader must understand that when a team member gains awareness of this factor, there is what I describe in a whole spectrum of possible application.  One full side of that spectrum may be what they play games with it to control everyone and bring all that attention to themselves.  The opposite full side is where they simply communicate it and don’t play control stuff but put the awareness aside and allow the team to increase their awareness of how it is, or is not, affecting and bringing clarity on whether the strategy and vision might be adapted.  There is a full range of balance through that range of their application.  The leader must be aware of how this is being balanced in the members’ application.

The leader’s critical aspect of Situational Awareness & Application is that you must be aware of how that team member is applying the insight.  If they are applying it in a way to control the team and cause everyone to capitulate them and only focus on their thought, that is a real problem, and the leader must step in and coach the member to apply very differently.  It is possible that another member has other insights that can perhaps offset that one image.  When any member throws their mental processing aside to try to control everyone, that is dysfunctional and puts True Synergy aside.  It also throws out the Leaders leadership and disconnects the possibility of true Team Success and Synergy going forward.

However, if they apply their insight in a way where the leader and the team truly join and become clear on the awareness and the strategy on which they are truly moving forward for success and they have complete clarity of True Situational Awareness and the team’s strategic plan.

This is truly illuminated with my compliments in our Neuroscience npnhub group and my fellow colleague, Neuroplastician and author Lisa Wimberger in her book entitled NEUROSCULPTING! Her book truly focuses on how the brain and mental aspects, and including emotion, can truly distract when they should not.  The Leader and the team members must be focused on how they are not distracted but are focused on the Central Truth. Vision and Strategy for their Central Objective.

Realize that the teammates’ awareness can be critical but if they are using it to play the control freak games or push into a different path or direction, the leader must step in and address that.  However, if the leader sees that the team is working together well and are aligned in the path and objective and they are using it to create amazing success and to develop their Situational Awareness, help the team experience your belief in them and use it as a great example for their growth and development….and for yours as well.  This is a key insight that a leader, and your team, must truly be fully aware of but also build a vision on how this will be applied.

So let me offer you a couple of questions for you to consider as the team leader:

  1. How do you need to apply this aspect to Your Team and enhance your team’s application of synergism and Situational Awareness when different members have slightly different insights on the factors, paths and/or goals?

  2. To what extent must you adapt your leadership application and apply real Neurosculpting to prevent one member from setting other team members aside and shutting down their mental processing and putting it aside?

  3. How must you Truly Model & enhance your Clarity of this aspect in your team and help them apply that Neuroscience aspect experience so that True SYNERGISM builds their true success in the journey?

Randy Swaim, Coaching for Relevance, LLC


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